A Quick Guide to Properly Maintaining Your Hand Tools
Hand Tools

A Quick Guide to Properly Maintaining Your Hand Tools

Written by Charles Desmond Hernandez
April 16, 2024

When you take care of things, they last.”

This applies to most things in the automotive industry, from vehicles to your favourite tools. If you go on any online forum, for instance, you’re bound to run into a discussion about a torque wrench being handed down from someone’s grandpa.

Of course, choosing the right tools for the job (and the right brands to buy them from) always helps, but taking proper care of them will enable you to make the most out of your toolbox.

So, once you’ve stocked yours with all the automotive tools you need, how do you go about it? 

Let’s dive right in.

Importance (and Benefits) of Looking After Your Hand Tools 

First, let’s talk about why you should take better care of your hand tools.


One, it’s all about safety. Poorly maintained tools can cause a great deal of harm.

Dull tools require you to use more force than needed and could lead to them slipping out of your grip, which could cause accidents. 

Chipped blades or metal components could separate from the handle during use, resulting in a dangerous projectile

Dirty or rusty tools can potentially spread contaminants to your customer's vehicle, causing issues and callbacks.

Efficiency and Quality of Output

Second, well-maintained tools increase your efficiency and the quality of your output.

They’re easier to use and help you get the job done faster, allowing you to service more clients at the garage - or to finish more DIY projects within the same time.

Protecting Your Investment

Lastly, proper maintenance helps protect your investment. High-quality automotive tools don’t come cheap, but with the right TLC applied, they can last for years. 

This way, you won’t have to keep spending money on replacements.

Basic Hand Tool Maintenance

Now that we’ve established the whys, let’s move on to the hows.

#1: Inspect Hand Tools After Each Use

Even the tiniest nick or scratch can lead to a lot of damage or significant injury later on. A quick visual inspection only takes a minute or two but can spare you a lot of trouble down the line.

So what do you look for after using your hand tools? 

Initially, check for signs of wear and tear or damage. Pay close attention to the blades, sockets, and other pointed parts for dents. 

Don’t neglect the handles too! 

Common hand tool issues often involve broken, split, or cracked handles, which can injure your hands, especially when you don’t use gloves.

You should also check the nuts and bolts on your tools. Tighten them up when they come loose and remove any sign of rust or corrosion to prevent further damage.

#2: Clean Your Hand Tools Properly

It always helps to wipe down your tools after every use. This helps prevent the build-up of grease, debris, dust, or dirt on your tools and can keep rust at bay.

The longer dirt or grease stays on, the harder they’ll be to clean.

If you have time, remove any dirt or residue on the tools. A small brush or a soft cloth would be ideal for squeezing into all the nooks and crannies to remove the dirt.

You can also use mild soap and water, but avoid harsh chemicals since they might damage your hand tools. 

As for rusty tools, you can clean them using a brush dipped in the appropriate cleaning fluid.

Let your tools dry thoroughly before putting them away, or gently wipe them using a dry, clean piece of cloth.

Be sure to store them properly in their containers and preferably in a cool, dark place, as humidity and intense heat can damage the tools over time.


[Check out our Cleaning Items Collection]


#3: Observe Proper Usage at All Times

It’s very important to use tools only for their intended purpose

Obviously, don’t use a wrench like you would a hammer - or vice versa. Your hand tools were specifically designed with features for specific functions, so the wrong usage could easily render them damaged.

Applying the appropriate force is also key. Using too much could damage the tool (not to mention lead to an injury). 

Sharpening your tools as needed can help prevent this, however.

#4: Consult Recommended Tool Maintenance Guides

When in doubt about the proper way to use or look after your tools, there’s always the product manual. Most users throw it out, but there’s a lot of useful information in there. 

Aside from product features, your manual should also contain specifics about using your tool properly - and in the safest way possible.

Product manuals usually contain instructions for cleaning and basic troubleshooting as well.

Already threw out yours? 

Fortunately, there’s a wealth of online tutorials and videos that can help you. Below is an example of an instructional video on how to clean specific automotive tools:

In the video, Tony the Technician talks about his recommendations on how often you should clean your tools:

"I do project cleanings after every job I do. And then probably about once a month, I like to go through my tool box and just clean everything - all of my wrenches and everything just to keep them protected. Especially if you live in a humid area, your tools will begin to rust, so it's very important to keep them protected from the environment."

#5: Replace Your Tools as Needed

Sometimes, no matter how well you take care of your tools, you’ll simply need to replace them. Automotive work will always take a toll on these via regular wear and tear, so it’s important to know when to set them aside for new ones.

But before you go out and buy a new tool, always check if the manufacturer’s warranty still covers your current one.

This will allow you to save on costs while getting a replacement that will (with the proper care applied) last as long as its predecessor did.

Make Your Tool Kit Last as Long as Possible

Just to be clear, the point of proper hand tool maintenance is to make the tools in your arsenal last as long as possible. 

With regular maintenance, your hand tools can keep you safe during tedious, heavy-duty tasks and provide you with better, more efficient results - while removing the need to keep shelling out hard-earned cash for replacements before they’re due.

Of course, it always helps to start on the right foot; in this case, that’s buying the right tools from a reputable source

That’s where we come in.

At MPR Tools & Equipment, we source a wide range of hand tools from the most reputable manufacturers. We also offer free shipping for orders over $150, a 1-year price match guarantee, and a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Check out our catalog to shop for tools that are built to last - today!



  • https://mprtools.com/blogs/news/a-guide-to-choosing-the-right-hand-tools-for-your-garage
  • https://medium.com/@genesissupplies/the-importance-of-cleaning-tools-and-equipment-in-household-services-cfac63a35916

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