Raccords Fairview

Our flexible grease hose collection from Fairview Fittings delivers unparalleled flexibility, durability, and precision, ensuring thorough lubrication for optimal vehicle performance and longevity. Explore our comprehensive line-up, specially made for those who demand only the best.

Free shipping for any order above $150, and we offer a free tool for purchases over $400. Plus, if you find any of our tools at a lower price somewhere else within 365 days of purchasing, message us and we'll credit you back the difference right away. Shop from our collection today and elevate your toolbox to the next level!

3 produits
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Type de produit
Fairview Fittings P12666 Tuyau de graisse flexible 18"
Fairview Fittings P12666 FLEXIBLE GREASE HOSE 18" - MPR Tools & Equipment

Fairview Fittings P12666 Tuyau de graisse flexible 18"

Prix soldé
$39.26 CAD
Prix habituel
$43.62 CAD
Fairview Fittings P12668 Tuyau de graisse flexible 24"
Fairview Fittings P12668 FLEXIBLE GREASE HOSE 24" - MPR Tools & Equipment

Fairview Fittings P12668 Tuyau de graisse flexible 24"

Prix soldé
$40.91 CAD
Prix habituel
$45.45 CAD
Fairview Fittings P12654 Tuyau de graisse flexible 12"
Fairview Fittings P12654 FLEXIBLE GREASE HOSE 12" - MPR Tools & Equipment

Fairview Fittings P12654 Tuyau de graisse flexible 12"

Prix soldé
$19.96 CAD
Prix habituel
$22.18 CAD

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