Outils de coupe

Our comprehensive cutting tools collection is designed for both professionals and enthusiasts, crafted to tackle the most challenging cutting jobs and ensure clean, precise cuts every time. From the versatile capabilities of jigsaws and the powerful action of reciprocating saws to the meticulous accuracy of hacksaws and the fine edge of knives, we provide an extensive range of tools for cutting through a variety of materials with ease.

Free shipping for any order above $150, and we offer a free tool for purchases over $400. Plus, if you find any of our tools at a lower price somewhere else within 365 days of purchasing, message us and we'll credit you back the difference right away. Shop from our collection today and elevate your toolbox to the next level!

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Performance Tools PTW700C Mini coupe-tube
Performance Tools PTW700C MINI TUBING CUTTER - MPR Tools & Equipment

Performance Tools PTW700C Mini coupe-tube

Prix soldé
$23.54 CAD
Prix habituel
$26.16 CAD

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